Thursday, May 15, 2008

Word of Mouth

Presumably, it's the gold mine of marketing. It's something I've thought about a lot over the past year working for a company that specializes in creating 'fans' for their clients.

It's an interesting topic for musicians as well. How do you get people so excited about your music that they not only become a fan, but they are willing to go to bat for you. Willing to go out of their way to spread the word about you and your music.

I believe unique experiences play a big part in this. John Moore threw up a cool quote on his blog from Hugh MacLeod.

"Word of mouth is not created, it is co-created. People will only spread your virus if there's something in it for them."

True, we're all looking for 'what's in it for us', but I think even more powerful is the idea of relationships, the co-creating. How can I involve my fans in the process? Let them be a part of the experience? Give them the tools to let them create the experiences that touch their friends?

I've been thinking through this as I look to choose one of my songs as the single. Once the record is complete, I'd love to get feedback from people, as to which song they love the most. Which one moved them enough to share with others?

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