Monday, May 19, 2008

Making Your Passion Your Profession

I was digging through some of my links and found this great article. In it is a 4 step process on how to harness your passion and turn it into a profession.

The Four-Step Process

* The dream develops a passion.
* The passion develops a plan.
* The plan determines the action.
* The action helps us to dream better.

I'd like to add a step. The first step is to have a dream. Sometimes this is the hardest thing for people. I know for me, the difficult thing is being able to scale down my dreams into something tangible that I can start working on immediately (without 1 million).

Unconsciously, I've been following this process with my music. The dream: To make a living doing what I love; Music. The passion: Giving life to the sounds and emotions inside me. The plan: Produce something tangible for others to experience.

I'm still working on 'The Plan', and hope to be in 'Action' soon.


T Todd said...
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T Todd said...

Trey! We need to catch up when you get a chance. Can't wait to hear your music. Bethany and I got married two Saturdays ago and we are getting settled into our new place. Give me a call soon. Long live the Guild.